Thursday, February 28, 2013

miss how's life used to be in intec :(

tonight, helmi needed my help for his video making (an islamic reminder one) task for an upcoming event, stig-x. i suggested him to watch the HIBJ video which attt, yunee and me made juz to get some rough idea. and since the video is unlisted from search engine, i have to scroll down fb group RUSSIAN 18. alhamdulillah i found that video. but on my way scrolling down to it, i have to pass thru a lot of posts and status. so instead of the video, i got nostalgia :'(

i saw some posts regarding past problem (yup that one), the misunderstanding, about some disputes among us long ago, few wishes and prayers we posted, saying good luck to each other, how we advised each other, about big event we organized, sharings, bout preparation to here, etc.
they gave me nostalgia of being together with them in intec. it's too sweet to recall. and i don't believe how came i hated them (during early weeks) but then it turned out to be opposite, cuz then i love them. i love russa 18. and even we had stayed together for only a year, but i miss russa 18 more than i miss raids (which i stayed with them for 2 years).

maybe since we were minority, so we always do things together and can easily mingle with each other. and everytime we had an event, everyone (by hook by crook) have to join. so that's how we became really close despite of everyone's own background. so, we completed each other. and with love showed by our superseniors, i think that's how we became even closer which i hate to admit it. but now i miss how life used to be in intec. :'(

and just want to say that actually it's not true if i had said; in intec i overcame my fear to communicate with opposite gender. cuz here i realized that i still have the same problem :( but one thing i realized here is, i don't have difficulty to communicate with russian18's girls. they are like my sisters, cuz my blood sisters are the ones i feel really easy to be with. when i'm talking to russian18's girls, i don't feel any difficulty but not when with other girls. :) so juz wanna say, you are all my family here! :D


i miss the moment when we were all together sharing, crying and laughing :( but sokay, now i still can see how close we are; doing bufday surprises, group potluck, excursion together, celebrating big days, share meals, etc. hope the bond continues :)

these pictures got all of us. full strength. <3

maybe i'm nothing to them but for me, they are precious cuz with them i learnt a lot of things. subhanallah. mashaallah. may allah bless us all. and inshaallah i'd mention russian18 in all my prayers. hihi :)

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