Monday, February 18, 2013

tumblring yet.

sometimes tumblr is good, sometimes is not. but it depends on your luck, if you sad tumblr can cheer you up, but if you unlucky it could make you sadder. what the fuck!!! tumblr!! i used to spend my time in tumblr more cuz there i have more privacy, plus a lot of knowledges and quotes. what is more important it helps me to keep update with muslims' current issues especially in palestine and syria. but recently it's hard to see any news from there, hopefully that means nothing gone wrong/bad to my brothers and sisters there. hold on keyh? inshaallah one day later.

this i just wanna share i got from tumblr just now,, which made me think till now. overthink~ ~ huh? baaaabi btol. i hate and dont want to realize this!!!!
please tumblr, dont play with my feelings.

and after all, it's all happen by allah's will. i dont mean to blame allah (all bad things are from me myself) but juz want to say, You know me better than i know myself. i'm sensitive actually, like a girl~ ~ maybe, a lil bit. is it true allah? sometimes i wonder maybe my part is more within myself. cuz counting the blessings from Him, i see how good my life is,, but only me and He know how's the inside of me. haha. so, welcome to my life. that indah khabar dari rupa life.

anyway, bersyukur. erkk suddenly heard that name,, syu***. fuck that guy up. i have to use others word,,, be grateful ok? fight fight fight, fight like the syrians and palestinians!! :D

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