Friday, February 15, 2013

support israel instead of palestine? it's.not.funny.k?

recently, in kitchen (of my floor), my seniors (mostly chinese) were talking about israel and palestine. i listened to their words attentively while cooking. somehow it was a little bit funny coz they related everything to israel. but suddenly there was a question directed for an older senior there and the answer STUNNED me.

"***, which one u support, israel or palestine?"
"coz i think israel has their right to defend their country."

WHATTTTT THEEEEEE???????!!!!!!!!

as if he was not a senior, i would say "kau buta isu semasa ea?". if you ask me why we shouldn't support israel, i dont know what to answer, coz its common sense you know plus im not a man of words. but can't you see?? its everywhere okay,, in facebook, blog, tumblr, twitter, paper, tv etc. everywhere is talking about this thing. but why still be an ignorance? hey, ur heart is blinded. thats it why!

and read this *at least*;

got it? cant you see something? yess something.

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