Thursday, February 14, 2013

if you medical student study relax-ly, your patient die early

yesterday my senior said to me, if you medical student study relax-ly, your patient die early. hahaha his words mean a lot to me. it gave me some spirit to study and most important, suddenly i felt very2 lucky to study here. hehe. anyway in facebook especially, i see some of my friends always complaining about their lecturers and uni's system (here). so if i relate my senior's saying to their complains, it means sokay if you have to struggle hard now, coz inshaallah the future will be easier for you.

eventho the world seems unfair to you, i always say to myself---> allah Al-Adl (The Most Just). so there must be a reason. and maybe there is one thing you forgot uba. grateful.

and study.

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