Sunday, February 24, 2013

before it's killing me.

no matter what, i have to destroy this feeling. cuz i can't take it anymore not, but cuz i have a lot of hopes and prayers put on my nerves. dont want this single feeling ruins tons of hopes from my parents, siblings, cousins, relatives, juniors, teachers,  and friends. my role is big, vey big. i can't imagine life i have to face if i can't make it. but should i take the risk?

o allah, i can't. i have to think for solutions. and i need Your guidance ya allah. please cuz it's about my entire life effect so i'm not sure if my solution is the best yet. allah, please help me. and please if it's the best, make it the last. i don't want to prolong it anymore. :(

allah guide me please. before it's killing me and ruins my future. :'(

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