Monday, February 18, 2013

to whom that will listen and care. if not, dont waste your time reading this.

*********attention, dont read this cuz it will annoy you**********

right now im feeling of spitting out of everything that has been kept in my mind. a lot of things to tell. to someone who would listen no matter how long and silly the story is cuz im bad at story telling. someone whom i could trust. but i didnt said that there is no kind of that person out of my friends. i trust them. i easily trust people depending on my instinct. just i need someone, even if coincidentally it doesnt matter.

how about allah? yes. but still its not the same. as if you talk to your friend, or to your opposite gender friend, to your senior, to your family or parent or in front of public. all of them arent the same. to some you might be shy, or polite, or pamper right? and if to allah we know He listen. everybody knows allah The Listener, but still we tend to tell our problem to someone else though you already told everything to Him. cuz we are human, the ordinary ones who have a feeling to have campanions and support. but i dont know why sometime when i tell my problems to allah, i'll think like this, "yes He listen to me, but at the same time He listen to the others" huhuhuhuhu. allah, can there is between just You and me? ignore the others!




thats so funny! how come an ignorance slave ask for that kind of privilege? stupid bodoh bangang. that why la, your name also is alike word bodoh. thats fit it but just for me la, not for others who posses same name as me. anyway, its not me who's too humble to insult himself, i do have my reason why i call myself like that but i wont tell why. if you know me, you will hate me. yeah, or at least dislike me. maybe im too hypocrite that makes people dont know the real me.

but at least, when im telling everything to allah, i will never feel alone. when you betrayed or feeling unwanted, the best feeling ever is when suddenly you feel you are not alone anymore. thats the significant of telling everything to allah. :)

maybe i'm just seeking for attention by writing this. yeah! sure.

listen + care + support. suddenly these three words came out to my mind. :)

what an attention seeker you are!! actually! hahaha :D
bodoh <---suddenly

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