Thursday, November 22, 2012

the courage and persistence of our bro and sis.

i do admire the braveness of the palestinians and syrians. they are risking their life to defend their nations and create a better one. eventho the olds and kids everyone have the courage and persistence like no one else. i wonder from where they got it. from the pain? no, but im sure they were given by Allah! coz they fight in a cause of Allah. Allahuakbar!!
do keep praying for palestinians, syrians and rohingya. may Allah strengthen them and gives them victory!! inshaAllah amin.


amirah zakaria said...

second job after doctor ke?
a drawer. msti mse kls ruski ni

Ubadah Zabidi said...

ait, doctor tu cita2 aku, melukis tu hobi~ x sama.
time kelas ruski aku fokus kowt haha~ *bajet :p

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