Tuesday, February 19, 2013

i hate chelsea like hell cuz he's fan of them. LOL.

i can't, i can't if one day im not insulting that guy. even in my doa, i say his name with pig name, syu*** babi. ya allah, i just hate that guy very veryyy fuckiinngggg much. even he done nothing wrong to me, but still BECAUSE of him, my heart tore slightly,,please give my heart a break!! but that thing i saw in his timeline, not one but a lot were hurting me!!! till now keyh!! but it's not what i cant see yet. if i cant see everything,, ohhhh i can't imagine how i would be. misery! and seeing his status makes me feel mad and emotional. but i never pray bad things for him,, i titled him babi coz i just want allah know how much i hate him in fact allah already know,, maybe somehow its kind of relieving. yess i know it's bad but who cares? tell me who cares?? allah? no if im an ignorance it wont affect Him even a little it wont. and writing it here wont do any good cuz nobody read.. plus, i had blocked all followers here,,just a few (3 followers) which i dont know how they knew about this blog. now i know bout this block2-things since i was blocked by someone and it gave me an idea to block all followers in this blog. i just need a place i can spit it all out of my mind and heart. and i wonder how my friends and family would say if they read my writings here,,they will ask who cahnged you? what happened to you? blablabal cuz all that babi babi fuck pukimak bangang shit bitch etc were just pass thru inside me only, never speak it out YET but now i flow them out into this blog HAHAHA. and among everyone, i think only him right now problematic for me. i can't even advice myself bersyukur lah (be grateful) becuz that term is his name!!! ARRGGHHHH!!! then when i want to bersyukur but instead of that i hear his name it will turn out to be other things,, maybe mad or angry. even i can't hear a word chelsea. now i even hate chelsea cuz he's hard die fan of chelsea. LOL. go MU go!

to allah, who know everything inside me,,,i just write it down here to release some of the depression. it's ok am i right allah? i hav nowhere to tell everything of this. and i dont want to seek for someone but You. how i was touched several times recently cuz even i've done so much wrong to you yet you still ease and accept all my duas recently. and i won't tell it in reality, i know my part and job,, i'm just another slave. thats why eventho i know my absence will not affect you but as a slave i wont forget You!! for the sins i've done to You, pleaassseee forgive me.

i seek nobody else to rely on, but You allah.

but still how much i ask for forgiveness,, my hatred toward that guy will never end. unless that miracle happens again. o how i feel suckkkk when even a little tiny things, left wounds that seem may never heal. fuckk that feelings!!! badah bodoh badak and babi looooooooooool

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