Saturday, February 16, 2013

everything happens for a reason 1.

tonight i really really want to study medical care, coz there's a lot of procedure and info about management and manipulations in hospital. so easy said, that subject is really important. but before that i went to two rooms of my friends who have printer coz i want to photostat that book, so that i can highlight and conteng2 (my way of study) coz if on the textbook can't. but unluckily, their printer is out of ink. so now my momentum of study fell. then instead of photostating, i opened fb but by using my friend's fb. i searched for someone's fb. viewed his timeline and....
it's about something i cant accept in my life no matter how good it is.
now its bordering my mind.
and i think i have to admit something.
ok, enough talking about that.
and alhamdulillah, i asked seniors in fb group about sony center here, a chinese senior replied gave me the addresses. now i have 3 destinations for tomorrow in order to fix my camera (maybe), hope there can. i cant live without my camera, it has been a week and i feel bored without my camera. o allah, tomorrow is my last effort, so please help me. i dont want to wait for summer break to return back to malaysia and fix it there (5 months more). may allah ease my 'trip' for tomorrow;

everything happens for a reason, and there is no such thing in islam called coincidence. *suddendly i love this quotes :P

and by hook or by crook, i hav to be in hostel back in 2pm, got usrah <3

p/s: just now that senior that gave me the address even came to my room to show me the way. chinese kott,, huhu thanks a lot nway. *touched

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