Saturday, February 23, 2013

he knows cuz He know.

alhamdulillah. i praise allah for that pleasuring feeling He gave me yesterday, how my heart happy till now. is it the miracle i asked for? or is it just a test for me? or just a coincidence? no absolutely there is no coincidence in islam. everything, yes e v e r y t h i n g won't happens without His knowledge, cuz everything even tiny things happened by allah's will. subhanallah.

now, when every single things happens i can see there are a lot of reasons. it's like allah want to show me, i mean it seems like He want to 'introduce' Himself to me; to show me His love and His kindness. subhanallah how my heart was touched. arghh,,how i am happy for what allah gave me yesterday :DDDD

i just want to say my thanks to Him. :) that was the best moment of 2013 so far and perhaps it was a present from allah to me for Men's Day today :D subhanallah, alhamdulillah. :DDD

and yesterday ALSO, my brother shared something on my timeline. actually i don't know why he shared that photo, but i wonder, how come he knows?!

this photo. it cures my heart a lil bit.

allah, do as Your pleasure, but please guide me as well for i need it.

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