Thursday, February 14, 2013

no need to seek for attention k.

regarding the complains in facebook,,maybe its ok if they were posted to reduce stress. but few days ago, my groupmate when i asked her why dislike facebook? her answer was facebook is for attention seekers. hahaha. yesss i agreed! (in some cases). but its not valid for everyone, it depends on what they post in facebook. if its regarding knowledges, maybe they do want to share. moreover, facebook is among the mediums to keep in touch with friends, relatives and family.

adoi,, what i wanted to say actually? anyway, since that, i keep telling myself, do you seek for attention? coz lately i had something to post in fb, a lot, but i was hesitated and canceled *luckily*. and i admit even for me sometime its annoying to see somebody with this kind of attitude especially the so-called very humble but actually very great, and the ones that keep posting about EVERY single small things they do daily.
Depressed? seek allah.

so uba, do not seek for attention. ok? you hate popularity isnt it? keep it.

again i repeat,
"facebook is for attention seeker." haha
*in some cases.

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