Saturday, March 2, 2013

i'm waiting~

for the past 6 days, i've prayed istikharah almost everyday, or at least recite the istikarah doa in my fardu prayers. cuz tomorrow should be the due date for me to declare my decision. but still till today i don't receive any answer yet. yesss, i need the answer cuz now i'm really in dilemma. if i wanna do, right now i'm really hesistate to do it. if not, then i should live with those fears (for 6 years!). or at least allah, make her get rid of that fears.

allah, now i'm urging You to give me the answer. i wanna do according to what You'd tell me. i don't want to regret it in future,, or at least if i regret it later, i can say, "it was what allah wanted, so chill~". yet allah, i leave it to You to decide,,,,so please decide it for me please.

and tomorrow will start my second sem, so i need to settle this asap before it ruins my second sem. :( hope she unblock my fb by today or tomorrow so it'd easier. huhu :'(

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