Friday, February 22, 2013

that unneeded bye.

1. fyi, there are two batches in first year batch. my batch (now in 2nd semester) and the yayasan terengganu's batch (now in 1st semester). they latter cuz they came later than us and when arrived here they have to continue and finish their preparation yet. moreover, we are older one year than them, so perhaps i can say that they are our juniors. but,

2. WHY THEY DID THAT TO ME? HOW COULD THEM!! I FELT FOOLED. do they know who they are? you guys are younger than me, i am older than you, so have some respect. at least if you dont want to show your respect, never do something rude.

3. i was rushing anyway to hospital for surgical practical. when i reached the tramvai/bus stop i saw them. they stood at the place where the no.2 tramvai will stop. almost all of them and fyi 28 out of 31 of them are girls. looking at that position and direction i knew they were heading to main university so why i should approach them? no need to ask. moreover since i have difficulty in communication with opposite gender, i stood far away from them (about 100m), i even didn't turn my head towards them. when the tramvai came, i rushed into that tramvai (no.2). but,

4. faisal suddenly called me. but how did he was there? i didn't know he was there among them. during that peak time i dont know why he asked me a lot of question. to where? what class? when class start? uurrgghhh faisal!!! i tried to avoid from them, but he pulled me into that middle of........ shit faisal. but i answered him. i tried to be cool. cuz why should i be afraid of? heyy,,it's my natural keyh so what to do. when i stepped into that tramvai i heard a girl said 'bye!' but i pretended nothing. she said again 'bye!', this time faisal told me that she said bye. yess i know i'm not deaf k! but since faisal said, i have to give respond,, when i looked back, all of them look at me. i was,,,, what the~ ~. she said again 'bye!'. this time i can't deny anymore, i just gave a smile to her, but her friends just laughed. for what??! huh!!

5. i felt embarrassed.  how could them!! :((( i knew that bye was just for nothing. she just was playing. but i wander for what she wanted to test me? huh? they dont know me, and me too dont know them,,so don't judge! cuz i know maybe some of them would say/ already said i'm arrogant. and you know what? they spoiled my day!!

6. this shit event reminded me of the event when i was in form 3. i still remember how i was insulted by few girls during my way back to home. they said it out loud in front of me keyh!! but sokay, i forgave them cuz i took note of what they said as thats the truth perhaps. like people always said, an enemy's insult is more honest than friend's praise. but this time, they fooled me. being insulted and being fooled aren't the same! if you guys hate me, just insult and tell me,, dont fooling me around keyh?

7. for me, they are *were* RUDE. now i know a little bit a feeling of being raped. LOL. [fullstop] but,

8. i dont know them yet, so i won't judge. that rude was just for her doing not them. and eventho some may say their are my batch's juniors, but i told them, for me they're not juniors but batchmates. i dont think if you separated by only fews months we can be senior junior. it's not boarding school anymore, this is university! but honestly, getting to be friend with them is not my intention, i rather be a stranger foreverever. haha. plus, abang arip told me normally the yt's students are pious more than others whom an ignorance like me dont deserve. hohoho.

9. maybe i was sensitive + overthink too much, yeah cuz on that time i was rushing, worried to be late but alhamdulillah i arrived on time. but seems annoying right? LOL.

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