Thursday, February 7, 2013

visiting mamayev in foggy day.

today i felt very depressed. feeling sick i cant sit in my room anymore. so after prayers, i directly changed my order and went out of that hostel without exact purpose. but then i decided to walk around in mamayev kurgan to run away from the mess. eventho the temperature was -6 that time, but the feeling of being alone always makes me feel so close to Him, which had warmed me apart of being замёрз. luckily i brought my loyal friend, my camera! so, i took a lot of photos there.
so, the jalan2 began.
halfway to the peak of mamayev.

i walked thru the path surrounded by snowy trees. subhanallah so beautiful.

someone put it there. but u can see this flower everywhere here.

at almost top of mamayev hill.

mamayev surrounded by fogs. on that peak, i shouted as loud as i can. ihihi what a relief

this is how i reach to and fro mamayev.

bokeh 1

bokeh 2

bokeh 3

say NO to wine/alcohol. it is haram coz the cons much more worse than its pro.
i spent hours there. when i got back, it was almost dark. i saw a lot of wine bottle, huhu. even scarier one drank guy shouted something at me, but i didnt understand and buat bodo je. alhamdulillah nothing bad happened to me. and thanks allah, i felt so close to You by that time walking around that mamayev hill. i knew i was not alone. *dat feeling~ :)

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