Saturday, February 23, 2013

i respect-ED him.

i respected him. but he did something that surprised me. cuz can you imagine the one that keeps the good things happen and preaching to the others, easy said that he is pious person in front of people, but when he meet a specific person he insult the person making everyone laugh at that person. does he knows how's that feeling of being insulted? in front of juniors somemore. that person who was insulted is my senior, he is veeeerrrryyyyy kind and generous. so it broke my heart seeing he was being insulted without any backups. it's embarrassing him ya know.

then my senior who was being insulted, he left the gathering. i saw he was trying to hide his emotional and anger. it broke my heart! i cried inside. :'(

how could him did that to him! :( is that what people say pious, huh? now i lost respect to him!

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