Monday, March 11, 2013

am still hoping.

yesterday, my senior told me that don;t put high hope on my camera which i had sent to service center, cuz he said he lost his camera after he sent it to service center few years ago. =,= erkkk why not tell me earlier? but he said, juz buy a new better one. huhuhu. as if i have a lot of money, i'd buy better one. even that camera of mine,,was my father's money,,,,so it make me down if what he said is true. but still i will put high hope on my camera and make doa,,cuz i live by hoping rather than accept everything. sokay, at least i know  it was my LAST effort on my camera, if anything happens,,that's what allah wants. so there must be reason :)

anyway, i drew this yesterday,,,cuz suddenly it crossed my mind. and fyi, it is what my naqib told me when i asked him something regarding about nafs. until now i remember it.

he said, our nafs's character is waiting~ and as long as you fight it, it wont fight you unless you lower your guard down. so never sleep nor be negligence. always renew your iman (faith) and nawaitu (intention). as if you are tired and you lost to ur lust,,, quickly repent. inshaallah.

anyway, i checked facebook,,something happened today. it makes my day. subhanallah alhamdulillah.

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