Saturday, March 9, 2013

if don't wanna help, don't worsen it. k.

even if you have gone thru that kind of situation, it doesnt mean that you can say; it's okay, learn it! if you are a friend, and you know it's hurt why don't you help me? dont worsen it or eventually let it hanged in the air. i'm the one hurt in this middle of situation and i asked a help to lessen it,and is it unfair if it could help me to neutralize myself like the others two? you said it is unfair? what the~ so obviously you dont understand me as you claimed to be, or by my overthinking's thought i'd say you are not even a friend cuz u dont care as a friend does. *shohhh shoo that overthinking's

if you don't want to help me, at least dont make it worse. (a reminder for myself)

(should had not ask anyone about this, juz leave it to Him jeee. *learnt)

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