Sunday, March 10, 2013

a new plan~

ok just few things to say. i was pulled into biro media of stig-x. but my job is very easy, i have to attend any sport practices,,,and shoot!!! hahaha. now i am a photographer for stig-x coming soon event. but what i got today was more than i expected, they invited me to play. mashaallah, i felt happy even i had played very bad LOL. even i missed the rugby practice cuz i got lost in a rural area, that place was so scary~ no body was there, barking dog,, motor bike gangs and so silence. but i asked few russians there, even they were not friendly but at least it helped.

and i had think and planned, since my journey here is still long to go, i want to involve myself in sports. if not this year, maybe next year inshaallah.

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