Tuesday, March 19, 2013

19th march13

after a long time, she updated her blog. i can see she is smiling, she's happy, laughing there,, with her batchmate. she is so so happy with them. she even uploaded some pictures buttt buttt few of them contain her! ya allah, what they had done to her? she never had done it before even once,,...huhuhu,,, anyway it hit me,,she is happy, but it is not becuz of me anymore.. ok fine,,hahaha i should feel happy on her behalf. ^^ yess wallahi i'm happy for her. and alhamdulillah she unblocked me in fb ^^. ekekeke,,but i do want to add her, i do want to chat with her,,,but i'm tired of disappointing her. dont want to disturb her,, let she happy, even if by meeting someone else let her happy ya allah.

hmm,,tomorrow spm result will be announced. my sister im sure is having a butterfly in her stomach LOL. but honestly i'm worry too,,i hope she get straight a. cuz i want more doctor to be in our family. *she want to be a doctor too ^^* ya allah, please make it happens,,,juz say "be" ya allah pleasee make my umi n abuya smile  :PPP hihihihi

anyway, now i'm in a middle of something. about one of my batchmate here. but since i think i can't help due to some limit,i ask for senior help. sorry for burdening it but thats the only thing i can do. i dont want to see my friend ruined.

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