Saturday, March 9, 2013

as you wish,,

on my skype's status, i wrote; let go? should i?
then two days after she wrote on her skype's status; hopefully it'll end.
i know she read my status, but i dont know whether it was about us or not.
and i believe it was about us, and i hope i got it wrong.


it has been a week but i still havent got anything from allah. and what else if not allah, is there another God i can rely on other than allah? absolutely NOT. maybe a person like me is being ignored by allah. sokay i know why and i know who i am. but i dont want to lose hope on allah yet,,inshaallah i will still pray and in this case maybe i should not leave it to Him totally cuz seems like He won't help me. i'm far away from allah while she is so close to Him.

if end is what she wants, who am i to resist it,,,her prayers deserve more to be granted than mine. 'huhu


Unknown said...

Allah does not easily neglect his slave for such a simple reason. If in your prayer, you have more 'her' instead of 'Him', you probably can realize which position u are in in front of Him. Lets make this simple, you want Him because of 'her' or you really want Him just solely because you want Him? Think.

I was in your position, but honestly this 'love' to another girl because of Allah wont take you anywhere. You can find anything else to do, more act to do. What if you died, and the best thing you could say is just "I just love a girl because of Islam?" while you have the oppoturnity to even simply, help a poor on the street or do a good cause in whatever ways? Think. it this world, feeling is not everything.

Im not a hater or judger, but this is all i could help. to remind (if it is so). jzkk.

Ubadah Zabidi said...

firstly,,ty n jzklh for the deep enlightenment ^^. and fyi now i even struggling to neutralize myself by doing some sort of things,,reading quran evryday,,trying to memorize it,,go socialize with frens,,etc(will not prioritize her more than Him).. and inshaallah this thing wont effect my real life much unless on few things (u know how it is kn)....


actually,this thing happens i think cuz of my own thinking,,i'm not a pesimist,,juz an overthinker i suppose.huhuhu.sori if my posts annoy you,, :p but i'll continue writing here~ not to ask for sympatize or attention,,,but to ,,,utk salurkan apa yg terbuku difikiran.camtu lah. *x sngka ada org baca jgk :O senior plak tu.hoho

n again,,thanks,,i'll take note of what u said inshaallah ^^ jzklh

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