Monday, November 26, 2012

first time seeing snow. :)

today i woke up early. coz i slept early :p i opened my phone, in whatsapp group my groupmates were talking about snow. woa!! snow?! was, no! i missed the interesting part; "first snow fall." :( but nevermind, i looked out of my room thru window, i saw the cars, the roof and the road were covered with white things. first word came out from my mouth; subhanallah!! it was beautiful. :D i never wanted to see snow with my own eye, for me snow is cold, and i hate cold,,but i like it. :D can u imagine watching ur surroundings are all white. subhanallah! :)
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i was really excited that time. yeah like seniors always said; first year~! ishhh i hate to hear that. macam la diorang tak pernah. 

O Allah! thanks for the chance you give me here. but it pray, may He strengthens me to keep and improve my obedience to Him even in cold. again, i dislike cold :p

hoping to see more :D 

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