Thursday, November 15, 2012

once before, i listened to a khutbah in a mosque not for from my hostel. and i still remember the thing the khatib said about a saying by ibnu qayyim, "faith (iman) is divided into two; patience and gratefulness."

yup, life is just a test for us. there are a lots of incoming in our life, and basicly is divided into two; misfortunes and pleasures. and whatever comes, accept it and meet it with the best you have to give. if misfortunes come, face it with perseverance. if pleasures come, face it with thankfulness to Allah. 

ife in dunya is just like a place of test 
defense yourselves against pleasures with the wing of gratefulness
defense yourselves against misfortunes with the wing of patience
and lets fly to the heaven with them

dunya is just a test for human being. in order for Allah to verify the believers and the rebels. inshaAllah if we apply this two basic things in our life, we will be included into the believers thus qualifying ourselves for Allah's Heaven. Lailahaillallah!

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