Saturday, November 24, 2012

when life is too hard to stand, KNEEL!

have you realize that we, when we having a depression or falling down, we seek someone to listen and to help you out. do you know how it is like? feeling of being kicked, to be hurt, te be pushed out? its hurt. and its hurt even more if it is the thing you have to go thru everyday, eventually you have to adapt to it. such a pitiful life huhuhu. but dont ever give up or give in to anyone!! juz hold on as God is currently testing you and He knows that we can bear the test. if He knows we cant then He will never put us in that middle of such thing called disaster. He does knows our limit.

as written in a hadis qudsi,,sometime Allah commands an angel to find a servant (you!) and give the servant a present, which is a misfortune or problems so that the servant could confess and prays to Him,, as He misses the servant, He loves to listen to the servant! subhanallah.~

so be proud to be tested. face it with persistence~ inshaAllah you will be rewarded.

seek Him~ He will always be there for us :)

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