Saturday, November 24, 2012

second pillar of islam.

based on a ceramah (religious talk) i've listened years ago, i still remember the preacher said based on a research conducted by Univ. Malaya's students, only ONE out of FIVE malaysian muslims perform the 5x times prayers a day full. and 80percent of the 20percent are the students and uniformed workers. innalillah~


do they know, solat is one of the pillars of ISLAM, its like a pole to a house. if there is no pole, the house will collapse. thats how a prayer (solat) to this deen. if you dont perform your prayers its like you not build the thing that keeps your faith stand strong. nauzubillah~

remember, the first question that will be asked after ur revival, is how is your prayers?

and if you count your 70years lifetime, you will only take
24years to sleep
14years to work
8years to have fun
6years for eating
5years in transport
4years of talking
3years of studying
3years to read
3years to watch tv
5months to pray 5x times a day.
(ibnu khalid)

and the first thing that will be ask before we proceed to the next after-death-stage will be about how your 5months have been used. so how? think. me also huhuhu,,
do perform your prayers with khusyuk (fokus) and zuhud (humble)

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