Thursday, November 15, 2012

sometimes we envy seeing our brothers n sisters fighting in the path of Allah. striving for a victory or syahid. esp in palestine and syria. why? becoz Allah has ease their ways for jihad while we are here, do nothing, not becoz we dont want to fight, but becoz the only thing that we can do is just praying and support. i hope its enough as well. i hate seeing my friends or brothers n sisters being betrayed and tortured while im here sitting for nothing.

once a day before, i scrolled my fb home. then i read sumthing about jihad. i cant remember it clearly but that person said, "the only way we can do for jihad is studying".

yes! our brothers n sisters in arab, they are in jihad, but in term of war. actually we too, striving in the name of jihad for Allah, but ours is differ, by studying!!!!!!! so a reminder for myself, you are in jihad too, so strengthen ur heart and aims. do not let anything let u down. kill all ur problems before they kill you.

yes,, now i am a student. im jihading too as well. inshaAllah will become a doctor soon. who knows a day later this kind of job might be an asset for me to serve for Allah's deen.


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