Thursday, November 15, 2012

Allah certainly has a unique ways to show His love to His servants. so there are many type of tests that Allah has for us. who knows maybe it appears in a form of disasters, or maybe in a form of pleasures, wallahu'Alam. but remember that ALL of the tests are for our own goods IF we face it right. but they might ruin us if we mistaken do.

a saying by Ali bin Abi Talib had given me an idea to draw this picture not long time ago.

Perserverance upon misfortunes. this is sometime really hard depending on the person themselves. humans are not all the same, so Allah also had set many different tests for everyone in this world. He did it becoz He wants to test who are the believer and who are the non-believer so that He can rewards. and fyi the tests also are how Allah does to make us closer and dependant on Him , as we are His servants, otherwise we will be neglectful, huhu, nauzubillah. hopefully we stay on His path forever. amen~

Perseverance in obedience. this is the most important thing we need to reflect in ourselves. everyone knows that human and every creatures were created by Him purposely to be the caliph on earth, and of course to worship Him. if we dont have this type of perseverance then we against our own purpose of life. even in life, everything we do must in a cause of Allah inshaAllah the ordinary things become our ibadah and will be rewarded inshaAllah.

Perseverance against sins. this test is really hard because we have to fight against our own natural being, especially nafsu. but it getting worse when the nafs gets a help from the satan. but in islam, if Allah had forbid something there must be a reasons behind it. and for each of that Islam has its own alternative ways. but sometimes people claim that they do something banned because its has its own benefit, like arak and rokok cases. yes it true, they have their own benefits, but the disadvantages and bad effects are worse.
"Patience is divided into three: patience upon misfortunes, patience in obedience to Allah, and patience against sins. whoever be patience upon misfortunes and deals it well, Allah will writes and increase for him/her by 300 place (darjat). whoever be patience in obedience to Allah and do it as His instructed, Allah will writes and increase for him/her by 600 places (darjat). and whoever be patience against sins and disobedience because of fear to Allah, Allah will writes and increase for his/her by 900 places (darjat)" said by Ali bin Abi Talib radiaAllahuanhu.
everyone surely has different degree of the three type of perseverances, so reflect ourselves (esp me), and the one we weak in so strengthen it, inshaAllah its worth it.
salam. :)

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