Monday, November 26, 2012

first time seeing snow. :)

today i woke up early. coz i slept early :p i opened my phone, in whatsapp group my groupmates were talking about snow. woa!! snow?! was, no! i missed the interesting part; "first snow fall." :( but nevermind, i looked out of my room thru window, i saw the cars, the roof and the road were covered with white things. first word came out from my mouth; subhanallah!! it was beautiful. :D i never wanted to see snow with my own eye, for me snow is cold, and i hate cold,,but i like it. :D can u imagine watching ur surroundings are all white. subhanallah! :)
0448H 271112

i was really excited that time. yeah like seniors always said; first year~! ishhh i hate to hear that. macam la diorang tak pernah. 

O Allah! thanks for the chance you give me here. but it pray, may He strengthens me to keep and improve my obedience to Him even in cold. again, i dislike cold :p

hoping to see more :D 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

simple but priceless~ #zikr.

just wanna share, something really interesting and worth it.
coz its really simple but the reward is heavy! :D

--> When starting an action -
Say: Bismillah
(In the name of Allah)

--> When making an Intention -
Say: Insha'Allah
(If Allah wills)

--> When something is being praised -
Say: Subhan Allah
(Glory be to Allah)

--> When in Pain or Distress -
Say: Yaa Allah
(O Allah)

--> When Expressing Appreciation -
Say: Masha'Allah
(What Allah has Willed)

--> When Thanking Someone -
Say: Jazak-Allahu khayran
(May Allah reward you for the good)

--> When Awakening From Sleep -
Say: Laa-Ilaha-Illalla
(There is no deity but Allah)

--> When Taking an Oath -
Say: Wallah-Billah
(I swear by Allah,)
{Be careful using this one}

--> When Sneezing -
Say: Alhamdulillah
(praise be to Allah)

--> When another Muslim sneezes -
Say: Yar-Hamok Allah
(may Allah have Mercy on you)

--> When Repenting Over a Sin -
Say: Astaghfirullah
(I ask Allah for forgiveness.)

--> When Giving Charity -
Say: Fi-Sabi-Lillah
(In the way of Allah, or for the sake of Allah)

--> When Having Love For Someone -
Say: Lihub-Bullah,
(I love you for the sake of Allah)

--> When Parting From Someone -
Say: fi-Amaan-Allah,
(May you be in the protection of Allah)

--> When a Problem arises -
Say: Tawkaltu 'ala Allah
(I put my trust in Allah)

--> When Pleasantness appears -
Say: Fata-Barak-Allah
(may Allah Bless u)

--> When Unpleasantness appears -
Say: Na'Uzoo Billah
(I seek refuge in Allah)

--> When Participating In Prayer -
Say: Ameen

--> When death message is received -
Say: Inna-Lillahi-Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji'un
(To Allah We Belong And To Him We Shall Return)
{u can say this even wen u loose something or during any mishaps

copied from here. jazakallah~ have more? tell me!! :)

--> When you meet someone sicks -
Say: Syafakallah
(may Allah cure you)

second pillar of islam.

based on a ceramah (religious talk) i've listened years ago, i still remember the preacher said based on a research conducted by Univ. Malaya's students, only ONE out of FIVE malaysian muslims perform the 5x times prayers a day full. and 80percent of the 20percent are the students and uniformed workers. innalillah~


do they know, solat is one of the pillars of ISLAM, its like a pole to a house. if there is no pole, the house will collapse. thats how a prayer (solat) to this deen. if you dont perform your prayers its like you not build the thing that keeps your faith stand strong. nauzubillah~

remember, the first question that will be asked after ur revival, is how is your prayers?

and if you count your 70years lifetime, you will only take
24years to sleep
14years to work
8years to have fun
6years for eating
5years in transport
4years of talking
3years of studying
3years to read
3years to watch tv
5months to pray 5x times a day.
(ibnu khalid)

and the first thing that will be ask before we proceed to the next after-death-stage will be about how your 5months have been used. so how? think. me also huhuhu,,
do perform your prayers with khusyuk (fokus) and zuhud (humble)

when life is too hard to stand, KNEEL!

have you realize that we, when we having a depression or falling down, we seek someone to listen and to help you out. do you know how it is like? feeling of being kicked, to be hurt, te be pushed out? its hurt. and its hurt even more if it is the thing you have to go thru everyday, eventually you have to adapt to it. such a pitiful life huhuhu. but dont ever give up or give in to anyone!! juz hold on as God is currently testing you and He knows that we can bear the test. if He knows we cant then He will never put us in that middle of such thing called disaster. He does knows our limit.

as written in a hadis qudsi,,sometime Allah commands an angel to find a servant (you!) and give the servant a present, which is a misfortune or problems so that the servant could confess and prays to Him,, as He misses the servant, He loves to listen to the servant! subhanallah.~

so be proud to be tested. face it with persistence~ inshaAllah you will be rewarded.

seek Him~ He will always be there for us :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Allah's love should be more than enough!

the courage and persistence of our bro and sis.

i do admire the braveness of the palestinians and syrians. they are risking their life to defend their nations and create a better one. eventho the olds and kids everyone have the courage and persistence like no one else. i wonder from where they got it. from the pain? no, but im sure they were given by Allah! coz they fight in a cause of Allah. Allahuakbar!!
do keep praying for palestinians, syrians and rohingya. may Allah strengthen them and gives them victory!! inshaAllah amin.

sis n bro throwing their cap.

the dead supply lessons for the living.

i do miss her :(

It's hard when you miss someone so much, and you can't do anything about it. Because having that space between the two of you, is the only way to make things right. dont worry, distance doesnt ruin a relationship,, doubts do. the distance is very important to keep both of you under His blessing. :)

but, the right time will comes, inshaAllah.

instead of working out your muscle, do for ur heart n iman as well :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

once before, i listened to a khutbah in a mosque not for from my hostel. and i still remember the thing the khatib said about a saying by ibnu qayyim, "faith (iman) is divided into two; patience and gratefulness."

yup, life is just a test for us. there are a lots of incoming in our life, and basicly is divided into two; misfortunes and pleasures. and whatever comes, accept it and meet it with the best you have to give. if misfortunes come, face it with perseverance. if pleasures come, face it with thankfulness to Allah. 

ife in dunya is just like a place of test 
defense yourselves against pleasures with the wing of gratefulness
defense yourselves against misfortunes with the wing of patience
and lets fly to the heaven with them

dunya is just a test for human being. in order for Allah to verify the believers and the rebels. inshaAllah if we apply this two basic things in our life, we will be included into the believers thus qualifying ourselves for Allah's Heaven. Lailahaillallah!
ketenangan, ketenteraman dan perlindungan. itulah kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara lelaki dan wanita. seorang wanita, berlindung pada suaminya untuk memperoleh kekuatan dan kehidupan, sedangkan lelaki berlindung kepada isterinya untuk memperoleh kecintaan dan kehidupan.
(imam as-syahid hassan al-banna)

sometimes we envy seeing our brothers n sisters fighting in the path of Allah. striving for a victory or syahid. esp in palestine and syria. why? becoz Allah has ease their ways for jihad while we are here, do nothing, not becoz we dont want to fight, but becoz the only thing that we can do is just praying and support. i hope its enough as well. i hate seeing my friends or brothers n sisters being betrayed and tortured while im here sitting for nothing.

once a day before, i scrolled my fb home. then i read sumthing about jihad. i cant remember it clearly but that person said, "the only way we can do for jihad is studying".

yes! our brothers n sisters in arab, they are in jihad, but in term of war. actually we too, striving in the name of jihad for Allah, but ours is differ, by studying!!!!!!! so a reminder for myself, you are in jihad too, so strengthen ur heart and aims. do not let anything let u down. kill all ur problems before they kill you.

yes,, now i am a student. im jihading too as well. inshaAllah will become a doctor soon. who knows a day later this kind of job might be an asset for me to serve for Allah's deen.

Allah certainly has a unique ways to show His love to His servants. so there are many type of tests that Allah has for us. who knows maybe it appears in a form of disasters, or maybe in a form of pleasures, wallahu'Alam. but remember that ALL of the tests are for our own goods IF we face it right. but they might ruin us if we mistaken do.

a saying by Ali bin Abi Talib had given me an idea to draw this picture not long time ago.

Perserverance upon misfortunes. this is sometime really hard depending on the person themselves. humans are not all the same, so Allah also had set many different tests for everyone in this world. He did it becoz He wants to test who are the believer and who are the non-believer so that He can rewards. and fyi the tests also are how Allah does to make us closer and dependant on Him , as we are His servants, otherwise we will be neglectful, huhu, nauzubillah. hopefully we stay on His path forever. amen~

Perseverance in obedience. this is the most important thing we need to reflect in ourselves. everyone knows that human and every creatures were created by Him purposely to be the caliph on earth, and of course to worship Him. if we dont have this type of perseverance then we against our own purpose of life. even in life, everything we do must in a cause of Allah inshaAllah the ordinary things become our ibadah and will be rewarded inshaAllah.

Perseverance against sins. this test is really hard because we have to fight against our own natural being, especially nafsu. but it getting worse when the nafs gets a help from the satan. but in islam, if Allah had forbid something there must be a reasons behind it. and for each of that Islam has its own alternative ways. but sometimes people claim that they do something banned because its has its own benefit, like arak and rokok cases. yes it true, they have their own benefits, but the disadvantages and bad effects are worse.
"Patience is divided into three: patience upon misfortunes, patience in obedience to Allah, and patience against sins. whoever be patience upon misfortunes and deals it well, Allah will writes and increase for him/her by 300 place (darjat). whoever be patience in obedience to Allah and do it as His instructed, Allah will writes and increase for him/her by 600 places (darjat). and whoever be patience against sins and disobedience because of fear to Allah, Allah will writes and increase for his/her by 900 places (darjat)" said by Ali bin Abi Talib radiaAllahuanhu.
everyone surely has different degree of the three type of perseverances, so reflect ourselves (esp me), and the one we weak in so strengthen it, inshaAllah its worth it.
salam. :)