Sunday, January 27, 2013

that feeling of being ignored. try to view in another way.

it's sad right when someone means so much to you, and you did care and tried so hard to keep the relationship,,but eventually you realized that you were the only one who cared and gave efforts. maybe after that you'd get angry and overthink of him/her. that overthink absolutely what makes ur mind messed up and down. thus your life ruined (as you lost focus and momentum~).

so overthink is bad for you. thats why islam introduced a concept of husnuzon (positive thinking of others especially to allah). even it is hard for certain people, but try, coz it's worth it.  maybe she/he ignores you for something good, in order to ensure the blessing of allah on that relationship,,maybe she/he just wanna keep their heart from something they think is bad for them. they want to prioritize allah and rasulullah pbuh first. so you have to admit it. support them, not pressure them. or at least let them be.

if they dont like you the way you hoped, it doesnt mean they aren't like you with their best. so is that clear?

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