Tuesday, January 8, 2013

skating #KrasnayaPolyana,Sochi

it was my first time skiing. and i love it. plus, i learnt something from that sport, which is IF YOU FALL, STAND UP AGAIN. and there i tried to compare myself with kids. bcoz i saw they were much more better than i am (of coz bcoz they've used to it). and knowing that they have practiced a lot, made me relieved lil bit but still i felt challanged.

and the view from up there was very pleasant. i said subhanallah few times unstoppedly. as if i live there hehehe (but by the time passes we will feel nothing if we see it everyday isnt it?)

this is the base
sweet, the pro helping the beginner. 
see how fast he is.
even the russians not all good at this thing.
the father want his kid to be pro i think. wealthy people
its normal to see people fall while skiing/snowboarding.
the concept to master ANY sport is----> never give up!
and for this sport, try to control ur BALANCE!

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