Sunday, January 27, 2013

that feeling of being ignored. try to view in another way.

it's sad right when someone means so much to you, and you did care and tried so hard to keep the relationship,,but eventually you realized that you were the only one who cared and gave efforts. maybe after that you'd get angry and overthink of him/her. that overthink absolutely what makes ur mind messed up and down. thus your life ruined (as you lost focus and momentum~).

so overthink is bad for you. thats why islam introduced a concept of husnuzon (positive thinking of others especially to allah). even it is hard for certain people, but try, coz it's worth it.  maybe she/he ignores you for something good, in order to ensure the blessing of allah on that relationship,,maybe she/he just wanna keep their heart from something they think is bad for them. they want to prioritize allah and rasulullah pbuh first. so you have to admit it. support them, not pressure them. or at least let them be.

if they dont like you the way you hoped, it doesnt mean they aren't like you with their best. so is that clear?

Friday, January 25, 2013

study right now ! or fail.

next week, i'd have concluding test for anatomy and biology. i really2 want to score this time because in intec i got very bad mark for both of them. i will start study from now, and i will inshaallah sacrifice my procrastinating times and even sleeping time hahaha.
study for exam in a cause of allah. *of coz inshaallah will always remember this*

pray for me! hope this time and afterward i will success. amin. :)

i think i like you, winter. :)

my lecture and seniors said, when winter comes, people will hope it will last soon. but so far based on my first two months experience in winter, i like it. :)
love the winter's view, all white. and the snow, it is beautiful. subhanallah. but i hate the гололёд. haha.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

missing someone?

It's hard when you miss someone so much, and you can't do anything about it. Because having that space between the two of you, is the only way to make things right. dont worry, distance doesnt ruin a relationship,, doubts do. and seems the distance is the only thing that keep you two away,,keep praying for each other and always husnuzon.

when you miss someone really much, tell yourself---> allah and prophet muhammad pbuh deserve that feeling than any others deserve. but, dont worry, the right time will comes, inshaAllah.

Friday, January 11, 2013

pessimist to realistic/optimist.

pessimist is best to describe me. thats why some people became annoyed with me before, so i know already why, lol.

from suuzon to husnuzon. <---my resolution for 2013 inshaallah.

new rule.

recently i've been procastinated a lot even during my study hours. now i make a new space on my study table, which that area cant be put any other stuffs unless for study purpose. and that area must always be clean and empty. 
ok, now go study, get the momentum as the real medical student!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


this holiday makes my homesick much more deeper than before. everyday i think about my family, malaysian foods and life there. i wonder if i did not go to sochi, how lame my life here. staying 24 hours for 9 days in hostel. such an epic life, like an animal in cage i suppose.
oh malaysia~ but im not miss malaysia, i miss my family, malaysian foods and hometown. huhuhu.

:): its ur choice.

skating #KrasnayaPolyana,Sochi

it was my first time skiing. and i love it. plus, i learnt something from that sport, which is IF YOU FALL, STAND UP AGAIN. and there i tried to compare myself with kids. bcoz i saw they were much more better than i am (of coz bcoz they've used to it). and knowing that they have practiced a lot, made me relieved lil bit but still i felt challanged.

and the view from up there was very pleasant. i said subhanallah few times unstoppedly. as if i live there hehehe (but by the time passes we will feel nothing if we see it everyday isnt it?)

this is the base
sweet, the pro helping the beginner. 
see how fast he is.
even the russians not all good at this thing.
the father want his kid to be pro i think. wealthy people
its normal to see people fall while skiing/snowboarding.
the concept to master ANY sport is----> never give up!
and for this sport, try to control ur BALANCE!

my place in adler, sochi. :p

in sochi, i went to discovery world aquarium located in adler, sochi, russia. for me it was like a cup of tea :) i love fish! especially the tropical ones. during my free time at home i spend a lot of time in keeping n breeding them. hehehe:D but now im not at home so i cant keep fishes. :p

KOI fish. i love this fish!
GOLDFISH. love them too!
see, Dory is smiling
fast swim huh?
when i was a kid, i did had a dream to have an aquarium fish shop.hehe who knows it might comes true. :)

Light trails and low shutter speed #RiveraPark,Sochi

these pictures taken were my first test on few photography's skills. so no wonder the pictures are really bad though hahaha. :D hope to do it yet :p

light trail
light trail
low shutter speed
low shutter speed
gotcha!! :D
the pictures might be better if i bring the stand. hihihi:p